50 Top Green Smoothie Recipes: For Weight Loss and Detox (Emma Greens weight loss books Book 7)
250 Top Green Smoothie Recipes: For Weight Loss and Detox (Emma Greens weight loss books Book 7)
Lose weight while still ramping up your daily dose of vital vitamins, necessary nutrients, and amazingly-powerful antioxidants. All in this awesome title, “Top 50 Green Smoothie Recipes.” Planned and written comprehensively from the best-selling author of, “How I Lost 100 Pounds!” by Emma Green!
So, you want to lose weight, detoxify your body, or just make sure you add in the essential nutrients needed by the body in terms of vitally-important vitamins and minerals? Awesome! Yes
Was easy to follow,
Its a good smoothie recipe compiled and i would recommend it for …,