Testosterone Transformation: Lose Belly Fat, Build Muscle, and Boost Sexual Vitality

by on May 4, 2013 at 8:04 am

Testosterone Transformation: Lose Belly Fat, Build Muscle, and Boost Sexual Vitality

Testosterone Transformation: Lose Belly Fat, Build Muscle, and Boost Sexual Vitality

A groundbreaking workout and diet plan that replenishes a man’s testosterone levels, rebuilds his body, and remakes his life Testosterone is the most crucial hormone in the male body—and every man’s T levels begin a slow, steady decline as he ages. The result? Loss of strength and muscle mass. Poor sugar metabolism. Increased body fat, especially around the waist. Loss of T also affects red blood cell production, vitality, bone density, mental acuity, and sex drive. In short: It slowly cho

List Price: $ 19.99

Price: $ 7.99

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  • CaimanJosh

    14 of 14 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars
    2.5 stars — Some good information, but UTTERLY DISREGARD the workouts themselves, October 4, 2012
    CaimanJosh (New York, New York) –

    This review is from: Testosterone Transformation: Lose Belly Fat, Build Muscle, and Boost Sexual Vitality (Paperback)

    There were some things I liked about this book. The recommendations for getting enough sleep, lifting *heavy* weights, the importance of destressing, and the cautions about xenoestrogens in our environment were all spot-on. The book also included a number of good studies with the latest research on areas related to maximizing testosterone. The diet recommendations were decent, although the unwillingness to stray too far from conventional orthodoxy in the face of scientific evidence (i.e. citing a study showing saturated fat isn’t bad for you, and then cautioning not too eat too much of it anyways) was irritating. The recommendations regarding the ideal lifestyle were on target, and based on the latest research. If the book just had these parts, I’d probably give it 4 stars.

    But where the book really fell hard was in the actual workouts. The volume and intensity on these workouts simply lost all connection with reality. As an example, it recommended during the first phase of the workout, to start by doing 21 pullups — 7 weighted, 7 with a little less weight, and 7 more with just bodyweight. How many gym newbies (which the book clearly seems oriented towards, despite the insane workouts) are going to be able to do that?! Even people who’ve been doing pullups for years likely can’t do that many at once. It also included a couple of sets of “one handed Olympic barbell preacher curls”. In other words, curling 45 pounds in one hand, using a 7 foot bar! Again, someone fairly advanced might be able to do this, but in NO WAY is this suitable for someone to start out with. And the workout volume was similarly insane — the workouts advocated doing 30+ sets per workout. For bodybuilders who have been lifting for a while, sure, but this is not at all suitable for someone just starting out. And in general, programming that involves dozens of different exercises and variations of similar exercises just ends up being too complicated for most people to stick with. Mark Rippetoe had it right when he stated that, in general, the simplest exercise programming possible is the best. This section gets 1 star.

    So, my advice — if you’re interested in this topic, read everything except for the actual workout portion of the book. The non-workout parts are pretty good. For a workout routine, check out something like Starting Strength, or read Beyond Brawn.

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  • John Morgenthaler

    21 of 25 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    A life-saving hormone with many health benefits, June 12, 2012
    John Morgenthaler (California) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Testosterone Transformation: Lose Belly Fat, Build Muscle, and Boost Sexual Vitality (Paperback)

    Great book! “They” tell us that testosterone is the hormone of aggression and the source of everything bad in the world. In reality, testosterone is a life-saving hormone that can change your life for the better, in ways you couldn’t even imagine.

    But how do you know if you have low testosterone? Here is a helpful checklist of some of the symptoms (which can occur) as a result of low testosterone. I compiled this from other books and from the literature from a medical laboratory:
    * Low Energy/Fatigue
    * Depression/Irritability
    * Muscle Weakness
    * Reduced Libido
    * Erectile Dysfunction
    * Disturbed Sleep
    * Heart Disease
    * Osteoporosis
    * Prostate Enlargement
    * Slow Wound Healing
    * Poor Concentration

    So what can you do to naturally raise your T? Murphy has a three step plan he calls the “T-3 Plan”. The parts of this plan are: T-1 transformation diet, T-2 transformation workout and T-3 transformation lifestyle.

    Before you read any of this, please keep in mind that this book is geared towards younger men in their 20s who are already in decent shape and have a different hormonal profile than men in their 30s, 40s and beyond. In older men, boosting testosterone levels may be more effective with the use of a natural testosterone supplement. By all means, guys over 30 should read about Murphy’s diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. But at the same time, these men should read Maximize Your Vitality & Potency by Jonathan V. Wright MD and Lane Lenard, Ph.D. for age-specific advice.

    In Murphy’s book, the T-1 diet section is pretty good, with the exception of including soy. I personally stay away from soy unless it’s in the form of miso soup or natto. Nearly all soy is GMO and I don’t like weird Monsanto genes that make their own pesticide in my food. Murphy feels differently about soy and has a reason for his opinion, which you may agree with. Very commendable is the emphasis on protein. I would like to add that you should go for grass-fed, pasture-raised meats and fish from the ocean, not a fish farm. Murphy points out that not all calories are created equal (see youtube video by Robert Lustig “Sugar the Bitter Truth” for more on this) and that eating fat does not make you fat. Fat is a very misunderstood nutrient and having fat in your diet can actually keep it off your belly! I’m personally fond of extra virgin coconut oil because of its numerous health benefits.

    The T-2 workout plan is powerful, but only if you are already in shape to do the kind of workout Murphy recommends. If you happen to be an out of shape guy in his 30s or 40s, be prepared to work up to this plan. Most guys can’t manage pullups until they lose weight and have some strength training under their belt. While it can certainly help you to learn the exercises and give inspiration for workouts, if you are a beginner, there is no substitute for finding the right personal trainer to guide you in the crucial early phases of any training program. Go shopping around for a good trainer and show him the book so he or she knows what your goal is. Also, some of the moves in the book are specialized, like the 5-board bench press, for example. I’ll never do that, preferring plain old bench presses instead. Great chapter in general, though I would concentrate primarily on the basics: bench presses, barbell overhead presses, squats or front squats, deadlifts, barbell curls, pullups etc. No need to get fancy. You can get an awesome workout using a medicine ball and it puts a smile on my face to see it in this book.

    The T-3 lifestyle transformation section is extremely important, though unfortunately, this is the part of the testosterone equation that most ignore. Anyone who thinks they can go to the gym and get worthwhile results without making lifestyle changes is lying to themselves. As Murphy points out, your body builds up while you rest and T levels are higher after a good night’s sleep. Excess alcohol, drugs, too much coffee, and uncontrolled stress all sap your vitality. No more staying up late watching TV or drinking til 2 A.M. Murphy also underscores hazards in our modern environment including so-called xenoestrogens like BPA and other chemicals found in grooming products and cookware. These chemicals are endocrine disruptors, meaning they wreak havoc on your hormones, and some have been found to cause cancer. It’s best to avoid them.

    Overall, this book is a worthy read. But it is also just a start — you need to continue your education about testosterone elsewhere. Of all the books I’ve ever read, Maximize Your Vitality &

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  • so cal dad

    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
    1.0 out of 5 stars
    Dont bother, February 9, 2013
    so cal dad (Los Angeles, CA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Testosterone Transformation: Lose Belly Fat, Build Muscle, and Boost Sexual Vitality (Paperback)

    Lift heavy, eat well, go get lots of sleep. There – now you have read the book. Save the money and spend it on a gym membership.

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